
When evaluating Waverly against other communities, you will find comfort in knowing our thriving leadership position and strengths in the following areas:


Our Independent Living occupancy has averaged over 96% for the past five years.

5 Star Rating

Waverly’s healthcare is rated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Nursing Home Compare. We consistently achieve this highest rating for Overall Quality, Health Inspection, Quality Measures, Staffing and Registered Nurse Staffing.

Rate Increases

Our rate increases for the past five years averaged 3.55% in comparison to the national average of 4.44%.

Debt Rating

Waverly’s tax-exempt bonds are rated “A-” by Fitch Ratings, indicating our financial strength in the top 10% of nationally rated Life Plan communities.

Capital Improvement

Waverly reinvests over $6 million dollars in the community in routine capital expenditures on an annual basis.


Waverly enhances the resident experience by providing distinctive hospitality and quality services in a welcoming, home-like environment.


Waverly residents serve on our Board of Trustees. All Trustees are involved in making major financial decisions that impact our community. Waverly also has several Resident Advisory Committees that provide valuable input to management on a regular basis. Our Residents’ Association fosters an engaging and active lifestyle.


The longevity of Waverly staff enhances the consistency and quality of the services provided to residents. The 2023 turnover rate of full-time staff was 12% versus an industry average of over 30%.


Resident and staff satisfaction surveys conducted by third parties indicate a high level of satisfaction with Waverly Heights. Based on the most recent resident survey in 2023 residents scored overall satisfaction at a rating of 4.8 out of a possible rating of 5.0.